<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <PurchaseRequisition xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <!-- (string, 36, optional) Identifier for P2P internal "update requisition" task. Correlation id received on the task needs to match with what is in P2P DB on the requisition. --> <CorrelationId>aa6acb68-0147-492d-86d3-e490c8e7ca73</CorrelationId> <!-- (string, 50, optional) Identifier of the buyer organization. First identifier is used from P2P's "organization identifiers" list. --> <OrganizationIdentifier xsi:nil="true"></OrganizationIdentifier> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Requisition classification code (values specified by customer). Often used to group requisitions and assign different groups to be handled to different persons. --> <Classification>Group F</Classification> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Delivery instructions for supplier. --> <DeliveryInstructions>Delivery required between 10AM-4PM.</DeliveryInstructions> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Login account. --> <DeliveryReceiverLogin>company\jimhuski</DeliveryReceiverLogin> <!-- (date optional) Delivery date requested by buyer. --> <DesiredDeliveryDate>2020-10-24T00:00:00</DesiredDeliveryDate> <!-- (date optional) Buyer requested latest delivery date. --> <DesiredDeliveryEndDate>2020-10-24T00:00:00</DesiredDeliveryEndDate> <!-- (string, 32) Requisition number in Basware P2P. --> <RequisitionNumber>Alusta-PR-100</RequisitionNumber> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Requisition number in external system (for imported requisitions). --> <ExtRequisitionNumber>SAP-PR-100</ExtRequisitionNumber> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Order number in external system (for imported orders). --> <ExtOrderNumber>SAP-PO-100</ExtOrderNumber> <!-- (date, optional) HeaderDataDate1-5: Can be used for for customer-specific date fields. --> <HeaderDataDate1 xsi:nil="true"></HeaderDataDate1> <!-- (date, optional) --> <HeaderDataDate2 xsi:nil="true"></HeaderDataDate2> <!-- (date, optional) --> <HeaderDataDate3 xsi:nil="true"></HeaderDataDate3> <!-- (date, optional) --> <HeaderDataDate4 xsi:nil="true"></HeaderDataDate4> <!-- (date, optional) --> <HeaderDataDate5 xsi:nil="true"></HeaderDataDate5> <!-- (number, optional) HeaderDataNum1-5: Can be used for for customer-specific numeric fields. --> <HeaderDataNum1>2264</HeaderDataNum1> <!-- (number, optional) --> <HeaderDataNum2>0</HeaderDataNum2> <!-- (number, optional) --> <HeaderDataNum3>0</HeaderDataNum3> <!-- (number, optional) --> <HeaderDataNum4>0</HeaderDataNum4> <!-- (number, optional) --> <HeaderDataNum5>0</HeaderDataNum5> <!-- (string, 250, optional) HeaderDataText1-5: Can be used for for customer-specific text fields. --> <HeaderDataText1 xsi:nil="true"></HeaderDataText1> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <HeaderDataText2 xsi:nil="true"></HeaderDataText2> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <HeaderDataText3 xsi:nil="true"></HeaderDataText3> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <HeaderDataText4 xsi:nil="true"></HeaderDataText4> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <HeaderDataText5 xsi:nil="true"></HeaderDataText5> <!-- (string, 25) P2P company code for buyer organisation unit. --> <OrganizationUnitCode>BE100</OrganizationUnitCode> <!-- (string, 250) P2P company name for buyer organisation unit. --> <OrganizationName>Buyer Ltd</OrganizationName> <!-- (string, 255) Owner of the requisition. --> <Owner>Vallinen Seija</Owner> <!-- (string, 255) Creator of the requisition. --> <Creator>Vallinen Seija</Creator> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Purchasing group code. --> <PurchasingGroupCode>PG201</PurchasingGroupCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Purchasing group name. --> <PurchasingGroupName>Office equipment</PurchasingGroupName> <!-- (string, 320, optional) Email address. --> <OwnerEmail>liz.green@company.com</OwnerEmail> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) Reason why order is placed (text description). --> <Purpose>Goods for Project A</Purpose> <!-- (string, 0) Creation time of the requisition in P2P. --> <PRCreationTime>2020-10-24T00:00:00</PRCreationTime> <!-- (number) Gross sum of requisition in company currency. --> <GrossSumComp>125</GrossSumComp> <!-- (number) Gross sum of requisition in company currency. --> <GrossSumOrg>125</GrossSumOrg> <!-- (number) Net sum of requisition in company currency. --> <NetSumComp>100</NetSumComp> <!-- (number) Net sum of requisition in company currency. --> <NetSumOrg>100</NetSumOrg> <!-- (number) Tax sum of requisition in company currency. --> <TaxSumComp>25</TaxSumComp> <!-- (number) Tax sum of requisition in company currency. --> <TaxSumOrg>25</TaxSumOrg> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Name of the activity in P2P process engine during which the requisition was exported. --> <ActivityName>255</ActivityName> <!-- (string, optional) URL link to view the requisition in Basware P2P. --> <DocumentLink>http://customertenant.p2p.basware.com/Portal/Default.aspx?forms=1&amp;sl=1&amp;tid=customertenant&amp;dl=(RequisitionDetailsPage-requisitionid((e105de8f-3e13-4487-a7e5-8c1ba12d7ea9))</DocumentLink> <!-- (string, 100, optional) External identifier that is used as a key in API for the requisition. --> <ExternalCode>be84e5ba6ad748bebbe8a5a10146e685da</ExternalCode> <RequisitionLines> <RequisitionLine> <!-- (string, 100) External identifier that is used as a key in API for the requisition line. --> <ExternalCode>987236sd-sd31-3562-1239-9asffa986asd</ExternalCode> <!-- (number, optional) Requisition line number. --> <RowIndex>1</RowIndex> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) Contains data from custom fields in free-text ordering forms. --> <AdditionalData xsi:nil="true"></AdditionalData> <!-- (boolean, optional) Specifies if order is attached as pdf file when order is sent to supplier through Basware network. --> <AttachOrderPdfToXml>True</AttachOrderPdfToXml> <!-- (string, 250, optional) A code that identifies purchased items for internal reporting and communication. --> <BuyerProductCode>1239873</BuyerProductCode> <!-- (string, , optional) Not in use. --> <BuyerProductName xsi:nil="true"></BuyerProductName> <!-- (string, , optional) Specifies where the product was ordered from. Available values: 1 - Catalog (deprecated), 2 - FreeText, 3 - PurchaseInstruction (deprecated), 4 - External webshop (puchout), 5 - CostLine, 6 - Marketplace --> <ProductType>2</ProductType> <!-- (string, 320, optional) Email address of the delivery receiver to contact. --> <DeliveryReceiverEmail>jim.huskinson@company.com</DeliveryReceiverEmail> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Name of the delivery receiver to contact. --> <DeliveryReceiverName xsi:nil="true"></DeliveryReceiverName> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Code for the item's purchasing category. The code must match a valid, active purchasing category for the organization. If invalid, the field will be emptied during import. --> <CategoryCode>6200</CategoryCode> <!-- (boolean, optional) Specifies if the requisition line is rejected. --> <IsRejected>false</IsRejected> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Code for the item's purchasing category. --> <CategoryName>Office equipment</CategoryName> <CodingRows> <CodingRow> <!-- (string, 36, optional) P2P internal identifier for the coding row. --> <Id>d56dec63-0277-4117-8820-9a2a5f4d1395</Id> <!-- (string, 100) External code of the requisition line to which this coding row belongs. Can be imported through Basware purchaseRequisitions API. --> <RequisitionLineNumber>4557e0a01cc54936bac475bda7988b3d</RequisitionLineNumber> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Account code. --> <AccountCode>10017</AccountCode> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) Account name. --> <AccountName>IT equipment costs</AccountName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Cost center code. --> <CostCenterCode>23800</CostCenterCode> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) Cost center name. --> <CostCenterName>Lift engine research</CostCenterName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Project code. --> <ProjectCode xsi:nil="true"></ProjectCode> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Project name. --> <ProjectName xsi:nil="true"></ProjectName> <!-- (number, optional) Percentage of requisition line’s cost which this coding row covers (cost can be split between coding lines). Current always 100 (as long as there is one coding line per requisition line). --> <SplitPercent>100</SplitPercent> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Work order code. --> <WorkOrderCode xsi:nil="true"></WorkOrderCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Work order name. --> <WorkOrderName xsi:nil="true"></WorkOrderName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Work order sub code. --> <WorkOrderSubCode xsi:nil="true"></WorkOrderSubCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Work order sub name. --> <WorkOrderSubName xsi:nil="true"></WorkOrderSubName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Fixed asset code. --> <FixedAssetsCode xsi:nil="true"></FixedAssetsCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Fixed asset name. --> <FixedAssetsName xsi:nil="true"></FixedAssetsName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Fixed asset sub code. --> <FixedAssetsSubCode xsi:nil="true"></FixedAssetsSubCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Fixed asset sub name. --> <FixedAssetsSubName xsi:nil="true"></FixedAssetsSubName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Internal order code. --> <InternalOrderCode xsi:nil="true"></InternalOrderCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Internal order name. --> <InternalOrderName xsi:nil="true"></InternalOrderName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Profit center code. --> <ProfitCenterCode xsi:nil="true"></ProfitCenterCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Profit center name. --> <ProfitCenterName xsi:nil="true"></ProfitCenterName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Business unit code. --> <BusinessUnitCode xsi:nil="true"></BusinessUnitCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Business unit name. --> <BusinessUnitName xsi:nil="true"></BusinessUnitName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Project sub code. --> <ProjectSubCode xsi:nil="true"></ProjectSubCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Project sub name. --> <ProjectSubName xsi:nil="true"></ProjectSubName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Employee code. --> <EmployeeCode>815722</EmployeeCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Employee name. --> <EmployeeName>Jim Green</EmployeeName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Vehicle number. --> <VehicleNumber xsi:nil="true"></VehicleNumber> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Vehicle name. --> <VehicleName xsi:nil="true"></VehicleName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Sales order code. --> <SalesorderCode xsi:nil="true"></SalesorderCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Sales order name. --> <SalesorderName xsi:nil="true"></SalesorderName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Sales order sub code. --> <SalesorderSubCode xsi:nil="true"></SalesorderSubCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Sales order sub name. --> <SalesorderSubName xsi:nil="true"></SalesorderSubName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Customer code. --> <CustomerCode xsi:nil="true"></CustomerCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Customer name. --> <CustomerName xsi:nil="true"></CustomerName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Account assignment category code. --> <AccountAssignmentCategoryCode xsi:nil="true"></AccountAssignmentCategoryCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Account assignment category name. --> <AccountAssignmentCategoryName xsi:nil="true"></AccountAssignmentCategoryName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Budget name. --> <BudgetName>IT equipment 2020</BudgetName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Budget code. --> <BudgetCode>B36782</BudgetCode> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Service code. --> <ServiceCode xsi:nil="true"></ServiceCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Service name. --> <ServiceName xsi:nil="true"></ServiceName> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Business area code. --> <BusinessAreaCode xsi:nil="true"></BusinessAreaCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Business area name. --> <BusinessAreaName xsi:nil="true"></BusinessAreaName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Distribution mode. --> <DistributionMode xsi:nil="true"></DistributionMode> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Distribution code. --> <DistributionCode xsi:nil="true"></DistributionCode> <!-- (string, 100, optional) External code of the coding row. Can be imported through Basware purchaseRequisitions API. --> <ErpCodingLineId xsi:nil="true"></ErpCodingLineId> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Text1-5 can be used for additional, customer-specific, text fields --> <LineInvoicingText1 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingText1> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineInvoicingText2 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingText2> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineInvoicingText3 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingText3> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineInvoicingText4 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingText4> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineInvoicingText5 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingText5> <!-- (number, optional) Num1-5 can be used for additional, customer-specific, numeric fields. --> <LineInvoicingNum1 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingNum1> <!-- (number, optional) --> <LineInvoicingNum2 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingNum2> <!-- (number, optional) --> <LineInvoicingNum3 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingNum3> <!-- (number, optional) --> <LineInvoicingNum4 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingNum4> <!-- (number, optional) --> <LineInvoicingNum5 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingNum5> <!-- (date, optional) Date1-5 can be used for additional, customer-specific, date fields --> <LineInvoicingDate1 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDate1> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDate2 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDate2> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDate3 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDate3> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDate4 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDate4> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDate5 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDate5> <!-- (string, 25, optional) DimCode1-10 are often used for additional, customer-specific, coding dimensions. Specifies the dimension code. --> <LineInvoicingDimCode1>2800</LineInvoicingDimCode1> <!-- (string, 250, optional) DimName1-10 are often used for additional, customer-specific, coding dimensions. Specifies the dimension name. --> <LineInvoicingDimName1>EU Purchases</LineInvoicingDimName1> <!-- (string, 25, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimCode2 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimCode2> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimName2 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimName2> <!-- (string, 25, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimCode3 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimCode3> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimName3 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimName3> <!-- (string, 25, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimCode4 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimCode4> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimName4 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimName4> <!-- (string, 25, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimCode5 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimCode5> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimName5 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimName5> <!-- (string, 25, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimCode6 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimCode6> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimName6 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimName6> <!-- (string, 25, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimCode7 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimCode7> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimName7 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimName7> <!-- (string, 25, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimCode8 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimCode8> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimName8 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimName8> <!-- (string, 25, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimCode9 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimCode9> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimName9 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimName9> <!-- (string, 25, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimCode10 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimCode10> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineInvoicingDimName10 xsi:nil="true"></LineInvoicingDimName10> <!-- (boolean, optional) Reserved for internal use (external authorization). Always 'false' in requisition export. --> <Active>false</Active> </CodingRow> </CodingRows> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Contract number. --> <ContractNumber>66236</ContractNumber> <!-- (number, optional) Conversion numerator. Factor for conversions. --> <ConversionNumerator>1</ConversionNumerator> <!-- (number, optional) Conversion denominator. Factor for conversions. --> <ConversionDenumerator>1</ConversionDenumerator> <!-- (string, 25) Currency code for currency in which the requisition is placed. --> <CurrencyCode xsi:nil="true"></CurrencyCode> <DeliveryAddress> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Contains the ExtRequisitionNumber when it's available. --> <RequisitionNumber xsi:nil="true"></RequisitionNumber> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Contains the ExtRequisitionLineNumber when it's available. --> <RequisitionLineNumber>4557e0a01cc54936bac475bda7988b3d</RequisitionLineNumber> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Specifies the address’ name for the goods delivery. --> <Name>Maple street office</Name> <!-- (string, 250, optional) PO box --> <PostBox xsi:nil="true"></PostBox> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Street name. --> <StreetName>Maple street</StreetName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Additional street name. --> <AdditionalStreetName xsi:nil="true"></AdditionalStreetName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Block name. --> <BlockName xsi:nil="true"></BlockName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Building name. --> <BuildingName xsi:nil="true"></BuildingName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Building number. --> <BuildingNumber>68</BuildingNumber> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Department. --> <Department xsi:nil="true"></Department> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Floor. --> <Floor xsi:nil="true"></Floor> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Room. --> <Room xsi:nil="true"></Room> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Postal zone. --> <PostalZone>02600</PostalZone> <!-- (string, 250, optional) City. --> <City>Toronto</City> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Region. --> <Region xsi:nil="true"></Region> <!-- (string, 250, optional) District. --> <District xsi:nil="true"></District> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Country code. --> <CountryCode>CA</CountryCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Country name. --> <CountryName>Canada</CountryName> <!-- (string, 1000, optional) Description. --> <Description xsi:nil="true"></Description> <!-- (string, 13, optional) Global location number. --> <GlobalLocationNumber xsi:nil="true"></GlobalLocationNumber> </DeliveryAddress> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) Description. --> <Description>1Tb external hard disk</Description> <!-- (date, optional) Desired date the goods are to be delivered. --> <DesiredDeliveryDate>2020-01-08T00:00:00</DesiredDeliveryDate> <!-- (date, optional) Desired end date the goods are to be delivered. --> <DesiredDeliveryEndDate>2020-01-08T00:00:00</DesiredDeliveryEndDate> <!-- (number, optional) Discount percent. --> <DiscountPercent>0</DiscountPercent> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Reason for discount. --> <DiscountPercentReason xsi:nil="true"></DiscountPercentReason> <!-- (string, 100, optional) The requisition line number in the external system. The value must be unique for each line on the requisition. --> <ExtRequisitionLineNumber>1</ExtRequisitionLineNumber> <!-- (string, , optional) Reserved for future use. --> <GRbasedInvoicing xsi:nil="true"></GRbasedInvoicing> <!-- (string, , optional) Reserved for future use. --> <GRIndicator xsi:nil="true"></GRIndicator> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Note for receiving goods. --> <GRNote xsi:nil="true"></GRNote> <!-- (date, optional) LineDataDate1-5 can be used for customer-specific date fields. These fields are from 'Line data' -tab of the requisition line in P2P. --> <LineDataDate1 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataDate1> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LineDataDate2 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataDate2> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LineDataDate3 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataDate3> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LineDataDate4 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataDate4> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LineDataDate5 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataDate5> <!-- (number, optional) LineDataNum1-5 can be used for customer-specific numeric fields. These fields are from 'Line data' -tab of the requisition line in P2P. --> <LineDataNum1 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataNum1> <!-- (number, optional) --> <LineDataNum2 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataNum2> <!-- (number, optional) --> <LineDataNum3 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataNum3> <!-- (number, optional) --> <LineDataNum4 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataNum4> <!-- (number, optional) --> <LineDataNum5 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataNum5> <!-- (string, 250, optional) LineDataText1-5 can be used for customer-specific text fields. These fields are from 'Line data' -tab of the requisition line in P2P. --> <LineDataText1 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataText1> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineDataText2 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataText2> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineDataText3 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataText3> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineDataText4 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataText4> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LineDataText5 xsi:nil="true"></LineDataText5> <!-- (date, optional) LinePricingDate1-5 can be used for customer-specific date fields. These fields are from 'Pricing' -tab of the requisition line in P2P. --> <LinePricingDate1 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingDate1> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LinePricingDate2 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingDate2> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LinePricingDate3 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingDate3> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LinePricingDate4 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingDate4> <!-- (date, optional) --> <LinePricingDate5 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingDate5> <!-- (number, optional) LinePricingNum1-5 can be used for customer-specific numeric fields. These fields are from 'Pricing' -tab of the requisition line in P2P. --> <LinePricingNum1 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingNum1> <!-- (number, optional) --> <LinePricingNum2 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingNum2> <!-- (number, optional) --> <LinePricingNum3 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingNum3> <!-- (number, optional) --> <LinePricingNum4 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingNum4> <!-- (number, optional) --> <LinePricingNum5 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingNum5> <!-- (string, 250, optional) LinePricingText1-5 can be used for customer-specific text fields. These fields are from 'Pricing' -tab of the requisition line in P2P. --> <LinePricingText1 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingText1> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LinePricingText2 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingText2> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LinePricingText3 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingText3> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LinePricingText4 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingText4> <!-- (string, 250, optional) --> <LinePricingText5 xsi:nil="true"></LinePricingText5> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Material group. --> <MaterialGroup xsi:nil="true"></MaterialGroup> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Payment term code. Identifies terms of payment when supplier charges the customer. --> <PaymentTermCode>30N</PaymentTermCode> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) Payment term name. --> <PaymentTermName>30 days net</PaymentTermName> <!-- (string, 10, optional) Plant. --> <Plant xsi:nil="true"></Plant> <!-- (number, optional) Defines how many items a customer wants to purchase. The quantity must contain a positive value. --> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <!-- (string, 10, optional) Quantity unit code. --> <QuantityUnit>PCS</QuantityUnit> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Quantity unit name. --> <QuantityUnitName>Pieces</QuantityUnitName> <!-- (number, optional) Defines if the unit price stated is net (0) or gross (1). --> <PriceType>1</PriceType> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Specifies unit in which the product is priced. Informative field (P2P does not apply logic to this field) --> <PriceUnit xsi:nil="true"></PriceUnit> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Description of the price unit. --> <PriceUnitDescription xsi:nil="true"></PriceUnitDescription> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Storage location. --> <StorageLocation xsi:nil="true"></StorageLocation> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Sub-unit of measure. --> <SubUOM xsi:nil="true"></SubUOM> <!-- (string, 32, optional) Supplier code. The code must match a valid supplier for the organization, or it will be emptied during import. If the purchase order is a self-service order and the supplier is invalid, the import will fail. --> <SupplierCode>10280</SupplierCode> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Supplier name. --> <SupplierName>ACME services and supplies</SupplierName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Supplier product name. --> <SupplierProductName>External USB3 hard drive, 1Tb</SupplierProductName> <!-- (string, 50, optional) Supplier product code. --> <SupplierProductCode>126587213</SupplierProductCode> <!-- (string, 1800, optional) Contact email to which supplier can send questions about the order. Note: When order is sent to supplier, it is not sent to this email. Fields visible on the order sent to supplier are configured in P2P Purchase. --> <OrderOwnerEmailAddress>john.smith@company.com</OrderOwnerEmailAddress> <!-- (string, 1800, optional) Specifies the email address(es) where the order is sent to when sending order to supplier. Can contain multiple email addresses separated by semicolon. Used when orderRecipientType is set as 'Owner' or 'SupplierAndOwner'. --> <SupplierEmailAddress>john.smith@company.com</SupplierEmailAddress> <!-- (string, 64, optional) The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code, a unique 8-digit number used to identify trade items, products, and services. The value can also be used to match order lines to invoice lines. If empty, resolved by Basware P2P using the item's categoryCode. --> <UNSPSC>43211578</UNSPSC> <!-- (number, optional) Unit price --> <UnitPrice xsi:nil="true"></UnitPrice> <!-- (string, 32, optional) Tax code. --> <TaxCode>T25</TaxCode> <!-- (number, optional) Tax percent 1. --> <TaxPercent>25</TaxPercent> <!-- (number, optional) Tax percent 2. Can be used for example for handling reverse charges on EU VAT. --> <TaxPercent2>0</TaxPercent2> <!-- (string, 25, optional) Tax juristiction code. --> <TaxJuristictionCode xsi:nil="true"></TaxJuristictionCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Delivery instructions for supplier. --> <DeliveryInstructions>Delivery required between 10AM-4PM.</DeliveryInstructions> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Identifier for the agreed delivery term for the item. If empty, supplier's default delivery term is used. --> <DeliveryTermCode>CAT</DeliveryTermCode> <!-- (boolean, optional) Indicates if the goods can be automatically received by Basware P2P on behalf of the user. --> <ReceiveAutomatically>false</ReceiveAutomatically> <!-- (number, optional) Exchange rate, company currency --> <ExchangeRateComp>1</ExchangeRateComp> <!-- (number, optional) Exchange rate, organization currency --> <ExchangeRateOrg>1</ExchangeRateOrg> <!-- (number, optional) Net sum in company home currency. --> <NetSumComp>100</NetSumComp> <!-- (number, optional) Gross sum in company home currency. --> <GrossSumComp>125</GrossSumComp> <!-- (number, optional) Total tax sum in company home currency. --> <TaxTotalComp>25</TaxTotalComp> <!-- (number, optional) Net sum of order in organization home currency. --> <NetSumOrg>100</NetSumOrg> <!-- (number, optional) Gross sum in organization home currency. --> <GrossSumOrg>125</GrossSumOrg> <!-- (number, optional) Total tax sum in organization home currency. --> <TaxTotalOrg>25</TaxTotalOrg> <!-- (number, optional) Net sum in purchasing currency (=purchaseCurrency). --> <NetSum>100</NetSum> <!-- (number, optional) Gross sum in purchasing currency (=purchaseCurrency). --> <GrossSum>125</GrossSum> <!-- (number, optional) Total tax sum in purchasing currency (=purchaseCurrency). --> <TaxTotal>25</TaxTotal> </RequisitionLine> </RequisitionLines> <DeliveryAddress> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Contains the ExtRequisitionNumber when it's available. --> <RequisitionNumber xsi:nil="true"></RequisitionNumber> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Contains the ExtRequisitionLineNumber when it's available. --> <RequisitionLineNumber>4557e0a01cc54936bac475bda7988b3d</RequisitionLineNumber> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Specifies the address’ name for the goods delivery. --> <Name>Maple street office</Name> <!-- (string, 250, optional) PO box --> <PostBox xsi:nil="true"></PostBox> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Street name. --> <StreetName>Maple street</StreetName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Additional street name. --> <AdditionalStreetName xsi:nil="true"></AdditionalStreetName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Block name. --> <BlockName xsi:nil="true"></BlockName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Building name. --> <BuildingName xsi:nil="true"></BuildingName> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Building number. --> <BuildingNumber>68</BuildingNumber> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Department. --> <Department xsi:nil="true"></Department> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Floor. --> <Floor xsi:nil="true"></Floor> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Room. --> <Room xsi:nil="true"></Room> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Postal zone. --> <PostalZone>02600</PostalZone> <!-- (string, 250, optional) City. --> <City>Toronto</City> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Region. --> <Region xsi:nil="true"></Region> <!-- (string, 250, optional) District. --> <District xsi:nil="true"></District> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Country code. --> <CountryCode>CA</CountryCode> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Country name. --> <CountryName>Canada</CountryName> <!-- (string, 1000, optional) Description. --> <Description xsi:nil="true"></Description> <!-- (string, 13, optional) Global location number. --> <GlobalLocationNumber xsi:nil="true"></GlobalLocationNumber> </DeliveryAddress> <!-- Specifies how the requisition lines will be grouped by P2P into orders (according to grouping criteria). --> <OrdersData> <OrderData> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Identifier for the order expected to be created from the grouped requisition line(s). Note: This identifier will change every time the requisition is exported. --> <ErpOrderDataId xsi:nil="true"></ErpOrderDataId> <!-- (string, 32, optional) Supplier code. --> <SupplierCode>SU100</SupplierCode> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Contract number. --> <ContractNumber>Contract-100</ContractNumber> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Payment term code. --> <PaymentTermCode>30N</PaymentTermCode> <!-- (string, , optional) Specifies order sending type (method which Basware P2P uses to send order to supplier when the order is placed). Available values: 0 - Basware Network, 1 - EMail, 3 - SmartOrder. --> <OrderDeliveryMethod>1</OrderDeliveryMethod> <!-- (string, optional) Determines who order is sent to. Available values: -0 (Supplier): Order is sent only to supplier. -If orderingMethod is email, order is sent to the email indicated by 'supplierOrderingEmail'. -If orderingMethod is network, the order is sent through Basware network. -1 (Other): Order is sent only to email address(es) indicated by field 'additionalRecipient'. Used for example when goods were picked up from a store and no order needs to be sent to supplier. -2 (SupplierAndOther): Order is sent to both supplier and email addresses indicated by field 'additionalRecipient'. Order delivery method to supplier is determined by orderDeliveryMethod, same as above. --> <RecipientType>SupplierAndOwner</RecipientType> <!-- (boolean) Used only if the order type is blanket to specify, if the blanket order requires release orders. Available values: true/false. --> <ReleaseOrderRequired>false</ReleaseOrderRequired> <!-- (string, 1800, optional) The email address(es) where the order is sent by P2P purchase. Can contain multiple email addresses separated by semicolon. The order is sent to these addresses when recipientType is 'Other' or 'SupplierAndOther'. --> <AdditionalRecipient>paul.black@company.com</AdditionalRecipient> <!-- (string, 1800, optional) Supplier email address --> <SupplierEmailAddress>orders@supplier.com</SupplierEmailAddress> <!-- (boolean, optional) Specifies if order is attached as pdf file when order is sent to supplier through Basware network. --> <AttachOrderPdfToXml>false</AttachOrderPdfToXml> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Delivery term code. Generally Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) are used here, however customer and supplier can also agree to use different sets of delivery terms. --> <DeliveryTerm>CAT</DeliveryTerm> <!-- (string, 250, optional) Delivery location. --> <DeliveryLocation xsi:nil="true"></DeliveryLocation> <!-- (string, 2000, optional) Note sent to supplier concerning this order line. Sent to supplier when order is placed. --> <NoteToSupplier xsi:nil="true"></NoteToSupplier> <!-- (boolean) Specifies, if all price information is hidden from the order when sent to supplier. Available values: true / false. --> <HidePrices>false</HidePrices> <!-- (string, , optional) Specifies order type. Available values: 'Standard', ''Blanket', 'Release'. Standard order is a quantity-based purchase order. It specifies quantity amounts, prices and desired delivery dates for the items or services. Standard purchase orders typically require goods receipts. Blanket order is a sum-based long-term purchase order. It is placed for items or services for a specific period of time (validity period) and with an pre-determined maximum currency amount. Blanket orders are typically used for recurring invoices, for example ordering office cleaning for one year. They can be used for ordering both services and consumable goods. Quantity amount used on the blanket order is always '1'. Goods receipts are not used with blanket orders. Release orders are purchase orders that are created against/from a blanket order to authorize delivery and invoicing. If a blanket order requires release orders, the supplier should not act upon receiving the blanket order, but needs to wait for the release orders. The release orders are created from the blanket order. The release orders need no further acceptance because they are consuming an already approved blanket order. Invoicing will happen against the release orders. --> <PurchaseOrderType>Standard</PurchaseOrderType> <!-- (date, optional) Used only if the order type is blanket to specify the start date for blanket purchase order validity period (date format: yyyy-MM-dd). --> <ValidityPeriodStartDate xsi:nil="true"></ValidityPeriodStartDate> <!-- (date, optional) Used only if the order type is blanket to specify the end date for blanket purchase order validity period (date format: yyyy-MM-dd). --> <ValidityPeriodEndDate xsi:nil="true"></ValidityPeriodEndDate> <!-- (date, optional) Delivery date requested by buyer. --> <DesiredDeliveryDate xsi:nil="true"></DesiredDeliveryDate> <!-- Person to contact concerning delivery. --> <DeliveryReceiverToContact> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Name of person to contact concerning delivery. --> <Receiver>Jonathan Smith</Receiver> <!-- (string, 320, optional) Email of person to contact concerning delivery. --> <ReceiverEmail>jonathan.smits@buyer.com</ReceiverEmail> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Identifier for the order expected to be created from the grouped requisition line(s). Note: This identifier will change every time the requisition is exported. --> <ErpOrderDataId>0d625815-6798-4561-8659-8921722bca83</ErpOrderDataId> </DeliveryReceiverToContact> <!-- Persons expected to receive delivery --> <DeliveryReceivers> <DeliveryReceiver> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Name of person expected to receive delivery --> <Receiver>Vallinen Seija</Receiver> <!-- (string, 255, optional) Email of person expected to receive delivery --> <ReceiverEmail>notinuse@basware.com</ReceiverEmail> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Identifier for the order expected to be created from the grouped requisition line(s). Note: This identifier will change every time the requisition is exported. --> <ErpOrderDataId xsi:nil="true"></ErpOrderDataId> </DeliveryReceiver> </DeliveryReceivers> <!-- Specifies the requisition lines which are on-course for being grouped to this order. --> <RequisitionLines> <!-- (array, optional) Specifies the requisition lines which are on-course for being grouped to this order. --> <RequisitionLines> -</RequisitionLines> <GroupingLine> <!-- (string, 100, optional) External code of requisition line, found on <RequisitionLine>. --> <ExternalCode>987236sd-sd31-3562-1239-9asffa986asd</ExternalCode> <!-- (string, 100, optional) Identifier for the order expected to be created from the grouped requisition line(s). Note: This identifier will change every time the requisition is exported. --> <ErpOrderDataId>0d625815-6798-4561-8659-8921722bca83</ErpOrderDataId> </GroupingLine> </RequisitionLines> </OrderData> </OrdersData> </PurchaseRequisition>